Every living organism contains countless different enzymes. Their task is to control and maintain vital functions such as metabolism, digestion or cell renewal.
Enzymes ensure that every single organ functions properly. The body's chemical actions and reactions are controlled by enzymes. They accelerate life processes and help to initiate and maintain metabolic processes.
Enzymes also play an important role in digestion. Without them, neither vitamins, minerals nor all other micronutrients could be properly processed by the body.
Proteolytic enzymes, known as proteases, are a special group of enzymes that are specialized in breaking down and degrading proteins. They are of great importance for healthy digestion, as they help break down proteins into amino acids that can be absorbed by the body. Proteolytic enzymes are also known for their anti-inflammatory properties, as they can help reduce inflammation and relieve pain. They may also help to break down and replace damaged cells more rapidly.
Enzymes are proteins and therefore consist of amino acid chains, most of which come from our food. The body absorbs the enzymes and amino acids and transforms them into more than 3,000 different types of enzymes - depending on which one it needs most urgently at the time.
It has been proven that more than 200 health disorders can only occur because the immune system has not been provided with enough helpful enzymes. Numerous studies have been able to show that the intake of enzymes can prevent or at least alleviate many health disorders.